- Getting more prospects from the website that will convert in a profitable way.
- Converting prospects into customers
- Reducing overall costs – not getting great return from Google Ads when we were engaged
- Were managing the account themselves and were finding they did not have enough expertise to manage it on an ongoing basis
- Engage experienced Google Ads specialist
- Target in a very tight geographic radius (>15 km) around clinic
- Use phrase match keywords and manage Cost Per Click (CPC) manually. Google does not this approach but in our experience it allows us to control costs better and to have more control over the development of the campaign.
- Fully working sales funnel
- Campaign shaped – almost 30 negative keywords added
- Conversion tracking verified
- Click Through Rate increased from 0.4% to >10%.
- Avg CPC reduced by 10%
- Conversion rate tripled – and conversion previously were people going to the About Us page whilst know they measure when someone shares their contact details.