Self Assessed Questionnaire Management System

Creating a bespoke solution can at times be the only viable way to successfully deliver a programme.


  • No off the shelf solution for the requirements.
  • Need a solution within 5 weeks
  • Need a reporting dashboard
  • Ability to:
    – send/track emails and responses
    – keep status on each company
    – collate company and audit responses
    – score all responses
    – prepare recommendations


  • Build a bespoke solution
  • Create templates for each stage of the audit. Lock these templates down so they can be shared with our suppliers to get structured information back from them.
  • Build a data aggregation layer on top of the returned questionnaires to track progress, assess results and identify potential issues.
  • Create a batch process that could be run by the programme supervisor which would send reminders to any suppliers who had not returned their questionnaire.


  • Programme delivered successfully for 3 years running with the same client.
  • Solution was enhanced each time. In the final iteration personalised recommendations were being generated for each supplier based on their responses to the questionnaire.
  • Dashboard clealry identified who had and who had not sent back their questionnaires as well as how they scored in each section of the questionnaire.